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Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /** $Revision: 1.45 $
00002     Last updated: $Date: 2002/09/20 12:21:30 $
00004     Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Vlad Mereuta <>
00006     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00007     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00008     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
00009     any later version.
00011     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00012     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00014     GNU General Public License for more details.
00016     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00017     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
00018     Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA */
00020 #ifndef __ACCOUNTS_DB__
00021 #define __ACCOUNTS_DB__
00024 #include "Database.h"
00026 /// type of the account database
00027 #define ACCOUNTSDB_TYPE 'DATA'
00028 /// db name
00029 #define ACCOUNTSDB_NAME "FreeCoins-Accounts"
00031 ///this structure contains the overall totals for all the selected accounts
00032 typedef struct {
00033     ///current balance total (all transactions regardless of the cleared state)
00034     Int32 total;
00035     ///the total of cleared transactions
00036     Int32 cleared_total;
00037     ///total available (total+overdrafts)
00038     Int32 available_total;
00039 } totalsStruct;
00041 /// sort order type
00042 typedef enum { soName, soAmount, soDate } sortOrder;
00044 /// account flags for tight packing
00045 typedef struct {
00046     /// indicates whether the account is collapsed or not
00047     unsigned collapsed      :1;
00048     /// if true, the program will credit money to this account when spending them and subtract from the balance when paying money into it
00049     unsigned credit_account :1;
00050     ///reserved for future fields
00051     unsigned reserved       :14;
00052 } AccountFlags;
00054 ///the packed structure of an account
00055 typedef struct {
00056     /// account balance
00057     Int32       balance;
00058     /** total of cleared trasactions (splits) for this account */
00059     Int32       cleared_balance;
00060     ///the credit limit for creditcards/overdraft for other accounts
00061     Int32       credit_limit;
00062     /// uid of the parent of this account. if the account is a root one this field should be ignored
00063     UInt32      parent_uid;
00064     ///currency used by this account (UID from currency database)
00065     UInt32      currency;
00066     /// overall balance of the children of this account
00067     Int32       children_total;
00068     /// total cleared balance of the children of this account
00069     Int32       children_cleared_total;
00070     /// total available (inc overdraft) in children accounts
00071     Int32       children_available_total;
00072     ///various account flags, packed
00073     AccountFlags flags;
00074     /// account type (Bank, CC, etc.)
00075     UInt8       type;
00076     /// depth at which this account is situated (0 for root accounts, >0 for the others)
00077     UInt8       depth;
00078     /// total number of children owned by this account. this should facilitate things like sorting
00079     UInt8       children_no;
00080     ///all strings associated with the account
00081     Char        description[1]; // actually may be longer than 1
00082 } packedAccountStructure;
00084 ///possible account types
00085 enum AccountType { BANK=0, CREDIT=1, INCOME=2, EXPENSE=3, EQUITY=4 };
00087 ///unpacked structure of an account
00088 typedef struct {
00089     /// account balance
00090     Int32       balance;
00091     /** total of cleared trasactions (splits) for this account */
00092     Int32       cleared_balance;
00093     ///the credit limit for creditcards/overdraft for other accounts
00094     Int32       credit_limit;   
00095     /// uid of the parent of this account. if the account is a root one this field should be ignored
00096     UInt32      parent_uid;
00097     ///currency used by this account (UID from currency database)
00098     UInt32      currency;
00099     /// overall balance of the children of this account
00100     Int32       children_total;
00101     /// total cleared balance of the children of this account
00102     Int32       children_cleared_total;
00103     /// total available (inc overdraft) in children accounts
00104     Int32       children_available_total;
00105     /// account type (Bank, CC, etc.)
00106     AccountType type;
00107     /// depth at which this account is situated (0 for root accounts, >0 for the others)
00108     UInt8       depth;
00109     /// total number of children owned by this account. this should facilitate things like sorting
00110     UInt8       children_no;    
00111     /// indicates whether the account is collapsed or not
00112     UInt8       collapsed;
00113     /// if true, the program will credit money to this account when spending them and subtract from the balance when paying money into it
00114     UInt8       credit_account;
00115     ///account desciption
00116     Char*       description;
00117     ///the name of the account - this will show up throughout the program
00118     Char*       name;
00119     ///optional note attached to the account
00120     Char*       note;
00121 } accountStructure;
00123 /** class to manipulate the accounts database.
00124     The category field is used to split the accounts into visible and invisible.
00125     Onely the visible accounts will be displayed by AccountsTable */
00126 class AccountsDB : public Database <accountStructure, packedAccountStructure>
00127 {
00128 private:
00129     /** creates a new account
00130         @param name account name
00131         @param parent_uid the uid of the parent for the new account
00132         @param acc_type the type of the account */
00133     UInt32 createAccount(char *name, UInt32 parent_uid, AccountType acc_type);
00135  public:
00136     ///structure containing the totals
00137     totalsStruct    totals;
00139     /** default constructor
00140         opens or creates the database (if created populates it with sample records)     */
00141     AccountsDB() DB_SECTION1;
00143     /** constructor
00144         @param db_open_ref reference to an *already* opened database */
00145     AccountsDB(DmOpenRef db_open_ref) DB_SECTION1;
00147     /** @param n name of the account to be found
00148         @param categ category of the account
00149         @return unique id of the account or 0 if the account could not be found     */
00150     UInt32  findAccountByName(char* n, UInt16 categ) DB_SECTION1;
00152     /** returns a formated account name in buf
00153         @param acc account to get the name for
00154         @param buf an *allocated* buffer in which the name is to be copied!     */
00155     void    getAccountName(UInt32 acc, Char* buf) DB_SECTION1;
00157     /** returns the currency used by an account
00158         @param acc UID of the account to get the currency for
00159         @return UID of the currency used by the account */
00160     UInt32  getAccountCurrency(UInt32 acc) DB_SECTION1;
00162     /** Build the account's full path name, truncating the beginning if
00163         necessary to fit the given number of pixels.
00164         @param acc The account's UID
00165         @param width number of pixels
00166         @param dest allocated buffer to receive the result. I figure that it
00167             should be able to store width/2 characters in the worst case.   */
00168     void    getFullNameTruncLeftToFit(UInt32 acc, Int16 width, Char *dest) DB_SECTION1;
00170     /// unpacks an account record
00171     void    unpackRecord (accountStructure* account, packedAccountStructure* packedAccount) DB_SECTION1;
00173     /// packs an account record
00174     void    packRecord (accountStructure* account, MemHandle accountDBEntry) DB_SECTION1;
00176     /** Increment the account's balances by specified amounts, notifying the
00177         ancestors about the change as well.
00178         This is a 'lowlevel' function that modifies the account balance
00179         directly.
00180         @param uid uid of the account to be affected
00181         @param clr_amt amount to be added to the cleared balance
00182         @param amount amount to be added to the (total) balance
00183         @param is_parent true if the uid is the parent of an account whose
00184             balance has already changed. In this case, only the children totals
00185             of the given account and its ancestors are updated. */
00186     void incrementBalance(UInt32 uid, Int32 clr_amt, Int32 amount, Boolean is_parent = false)  DB_SECTION1;
00188     /** Updates the balance for an account. This is a 'highlevel' function
00189         that affects the balance by inserting a cleared balance adjustment
00190         transaction.
00191         @param uid unique id
00192         @param newbal the new balance
00193         @param payee optional payee description */
00194     void updateBalance(UInt32 uid,Int32 newbal,char *payee=NULL) DB_SECTION1;
00196     /** fetch the balance of a given account
00197         @param uid  the unique id of the account record
00198         @return the balance in pence */
00199     Int32   getBalance(UInt32 uid) DB_SECTION1;
00201     /** fetch the cleared balance of a given account
00202         @param uid  the unique id of the account record
00203         @return the expected balance in pence   */
00204     Int32   getClearedBalance(UInt32 uid) DB_SECTION1;
00206     /** checks if a parent of the current account is collapsed
00207         @acc account id
00208         @return true if no parrent is collapsed, false otherwise */
00209     Boolean isDisplayable(UInt16 acc) DB_SECTION1;
00211     /** packs and writes the data from s into the database
00212         @note: after calling this function the record has to be released
00213         @param s pointer to an allocated account which is to be saved
00214         @return the index to the record */
00215     UInt16  newRecord(accountStructure* s) DB_SECTION1;
00217     /** Deletes an account given by its id
00218         The function scans through all the transactions and removes the ones which
00219         have as source/destinations the account to be deleted and as dest/src an account
00220         in the Income or Expense categories.
00222         All the transaction involving user defined account will be updated so that the 
00223         reference to the account to be deleted is replaced with a reference to a Income/Expense
00224         account
00226         @param id the id of the account to be deleted   */
00227     bool    deleteRecord(UInt16 id) DB_SECTION1;
00229     /** Compares two records (by the account name)  */
00230     static Int16    compareRecords(packedAccountStructure* rec1,packedAccountStructure* rec2,Int16 other,SortRecordInfoPtr sr1,SortRecordInfoPtr
00231             sr2,MemHandle app_info) DB_SECTION1;
00233     /// recategorize accounts as visible/invisible depending on user's choice
00234     void updateVisibility(void);
00235 };
00237 /** unfortunatelly this is a bit messy :(. We need to be able to access this db from anywhere in the program (including the compareRecords function).
00238     The best solution I managed to come up with is defining the pointer in .c file, and exporting it in .h (tried defining it as static in .h only but
00239     did not work. Next we need to instatntiate the class (this is done in palmcoins.c) and set the pointer to a valid address */
00240 extern AccountsDB* accounts_db;
00242 #endif

Generated on Thu Jan 16 23:11:12 2003 for FreeCoins by doxygen1.2.14 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2002