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FreeCoins Compound List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
AccountFlagsAccount flags for tight packing
AccountsDBClass to manipulate the accounts database
AccountsFormContains function to manipulate the main form of the program the variables are defined in the .c file (due to visibility issues ;)
AccountsTableThe table displays a list of accounts
accountStructureUnpacked structure of an account
appInfoTypeApplication Info Block
CalculatorFormClass implements a calculator
ChooseAccountFormThis class displays a form which enables the user to choose an account from a displayed account list
CoinsPrefManipulates the program preferences
CoinsPrefTypeStructure containing the program preferences
CurrencyDBClass to manipulate the currency database
CurrencyListFormThis class displays a form which enables the user to browse all entries in the currency database
currencyStructureUnpacked structure for a currency entry
Database< recordStructure, packedRecordStructure >Interface to some of the PalmOS database functions Using this class: derive a new database class as public from this one passing your packed/unpacked structures as parameters
EditAccountFormThe form is used to create a new transaction or to modify an existing one, depending on the record_is_new member
EditCurrencyFormForm used to edit currency entries
EditRateFormForm used to edit the content of a split
EditRateForm::ResultsStructure in which data is returned
EditScheduledTransFormThe form is used to create a new scheduled transaction or to modify an existing one, depending on the record_is_new member
EditSplitFormForm used to edit the content of a split
EditTransactionFormThe form is used to create a new transaction or to modify an existing one, depending on the record_is_new member
FormGeneric form All you need to do is derive a class from this one and override the main handle event methods There are several ways in which forms can be used
Form::popSelectDefinition for popup item selection event
Form::tblSelectDefinition for table selection event
FormManagerThis class manages dispatching Form events, by using Form classes instead of the normal C mechanism provided by PalmOS
FormManager::form_infoForm information stored by the manager
GenericDBGeneric Database class This contains the basic database functionality that does not depend on the record structre
GenericInputFormThe form is used as a generic one field input form
NoteFormClass contains code necessary to do note editing The data edited by the note field is copied on OK/Delete events to a temporary location which survives after the form closes
packedAccountStructureThe packed structure of an account
packedCurrencyStructureThe packed structure for a currency entry
packedScheduleStructureData specific to scheduled transactions
packedSplitStructureThe packed structure of a split
packedTransactionStructureThe packed structure of a transaction - see the unpacked struct for explanations
PreferencesFormContains functions and variabile definitions to manipulate the Prefereces Form
PurgeTransFormThis class provides and interface for purging transactions dated earlier than a date chosen by the user
scheduledStructureUnpacked structure of an scheduled scheduled
SplitsDBClass to manipulate the splits database
SplitsFormClass used to handle Split managment
SplitsTableThis class handles display and modification of splits
splitStructureUnpacked structure of a Split
TableA wrapper for the Table functions; its main function is to set a few standard functions which are to be overloaded in derived classes
totalsStructThis structure contains the overall totals for all the selected accounts
TransactionsDBClass to manipulate the transactions database
TransactionsFormFunctions and vars that manipulate the form which deals with transactions
Last updated:
2002/09/20 12:21:31
transactionStructureUnpacked structure of an Transaction

Generated on Thu Jan 16 23:11:13 2003 for FreeCoins by doxygen1.2.14 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2002