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accountStructure Struct Reference

unpacked structure of an account. More...

#include <AccountsDB.h>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

Int32 balance
 account balance. More...

Int32 cleared_balance
 total of cleared trasactions (splits) for this account. More...

Int32 credit_limit
 the credit limit for creditcards/overdraft for other accounts. More...

UInt32 parent_uid
 uid of the parent of this account. if the account is a root one this field should be ignored. More...

UInt32 currency
 currency used by this account (UID from currency database). More...

Int32 children_total
 overall balance of the children of this account. More...

Int32 children_cleared_total
 total cleared balance of the children of this account. More...

Int32 children_available_total
 total available (inc overdraft) in children accounts. More...

AccountType type
 account type (Bank, CC, etc.). More...

UInt8 depth
 depth at which this account is situated (0 for root accounts, >0 for the others). More...

UInt8 children_no
 total number of children owned by this account. this should facilitate things like sorting. More...

UInt8 collapsed
 indicates whether the account is collapsed or not. More...

UInt8 credit_account
 if true, the program will credit money to this account when spending them and subtract from the balance when paying money into it. More...

Char * description
 account desciption. More...

Char * name
 the name of the account - this will show up throughout the program. More...

Char * note
 optional note attached to the account. More...

Detailed Description

unpacked structure of an account.

Definition at line 88 of file AccountsDB.h.

Member Data Documentation

Int32 accountStructure::balance

account balance.

Definition at line 90 of file AccountsDB.h.

Int32 accountStructure::children_available_total

total available (inc overdraft) in children accounts.

Definition at line 104 of file AccountsDB.h.

Int32 accountStructure::children_cleared_total

total cleared balance of the children of this account.

Definition at line 102 of file AccountsDB.h.

UInt8 accountStructure::children_no

total number of children owned by this account. this should facilitate things like sorting.

Definition at line 110 of file AccountsDB.h.

Int32 accountStructure::children_total

overall balance of the children of this account.

Definition at line 100 of file AccountsDB.h.

Int32 accountStructure::cleared_balance

total of cleared trasactions (splits) for this account.

Definition at line 92 of file AccountsDB.h.

UInt8 accountStructure::collapsed

indicates whether the account is collapsed or not.

Definition at line 112 of file AccountsDB.h.

UInt8 accountStructure::credit_account

if true, the program will credit money to this account when spending them and subtract from the balance when paying money into it.

Definition at line 114 of file AccountsDB.h.

Int32 accountStructure::credit_limit

the credit limit for creditcards/overdraft for other accounts.

Definition at line 94 of file AccountsDB.h.

UInt32 accountStructure::currency

currency used by this account (UID from currency database).

Definition at line 98 of file AccountsDB.h.

UInt8 accountStructure::depth

depth at which this account is situated (0 for root accounts, >0 for the others).

Definition at line 108 of file AccountsDB.h.

Char* accountStructure::description

account desciption.

Definition at line 116 of file AccountsDB.h.

Char* accountStructure::name

the name of the account - this will show up throughout the program.

Definition at line 118 of file AccountsDB.h.

Char* accountStructure::note

optional note attached to the account.

Definition at line 120 of file AccountsDB.h.

UInt32 accountStructure::parent_uid

uid of the parent of this account. if the account is a root one this field should be ignored.

Definition at line 96 of file AccountsDB.h.

AccountType accountStructure::type

account type (Bank, CC, etc.).

Definition at line 106 of file AccountsDB.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Thu Jan 16 23:11:14 2003 for FreeCoins by doxygen1.2.14 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2002